Friday, October 13, 2017

Thor is no longer the strongest member of Avengers

                                                          Marvel Studios

The Avengers as known  the Organization of  superheroes who protect the earth. But, who is the strongest among the super heroes?

In the scene snippet of Thor movie: Ragnarok is playing on new trailer, we will know who is the strongest member of Avengers.

It can be seen in a clip that uploaded Marvel Studios through their official Twitter on Thursday (12/10/2017) featuring scenes Thor (Chris Hemsworth) is trying to turn on the spacecraft engine with a sound controller.

The Asgardian prince tried everything he could to make the spacecraft turn on. The "Thor", "God of Thunder", "Prince of Asgard" and "Strongest Avenger" passwords have already been pronounced, but the results are still naught.

Not long after Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) came in, he tried it before the computer system in the spacecraft greeted with the phrase, "welcome, the strongest Avenger".

Thor is a little confused because the plane does not choose it as the strongest Avenger. In fact, it is common knowledge that Thor is the God of Lightning.

It seems reasonable if Thor is no longer considered the strongest Avengers when we see the Asgard Prince's fight against the Hulk at Sakaar in Thor: Ragnarok.

This assessment was further strengthened by the loss of half of Thor's strength due to Mjolnir's hammer had been destroyed to pieces.

On the other hand, this clip certainly leaves a lot of questions like how the plane knows who is the strongest member of Avengers, and how can the Banner sound recordings be stored in the computer on the plane?
PS: Dont Be Serious,... All right

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