Acne that appears on the face can be very annoying. But not everyone wants to use acne medication or facial cleanser for some consideration.
Therefore, just try to use these 3 natural ingredients for your face. In addition to cheaper, the use of natural ingredients can also minimize the side effects of drugs on the skin.
1. Green tea
Green tea contains many antioxidants and antimicrobials. The benefits of green tea was not only to drink, but also can be beneficial for skin health.
Squeeze green tea as usual and put tea in a glass or basin. But do not drink, use tea to wash your face, especially acne, for several minutes every day.
2. Chamomile
Chamomile is a daisies extract which is also well taken as tea. But like green tea, use the chamomile seeds that are inside the tea pack and mix with a little water until it becomes a mask dough. When it is a bit soft and thin, use the mask on the face that experienced acne. When chamomile is not just obtained by drinking.
3. Aloe vera
Aloe vera is a plant with many benefits. The most popular is the use of aloe vera to make hair more beautiful
Because of the high content of antioxidants, aloe vera can also be used to treat acne. Cut the aloe leaves and apply the sap and the flesh on the face of the acne.